Obesity means accumulation of excess body fat. Obesity is considered a chronic disease, like high blood pressure or diabetes. As such, it usually requires long-term treatment to successfully lose weight and keep it off. The OTC fiber supplements have been used for the purpose of inhibiting digestion and lowering caloric absorption Anorectics (also known as anorexigenics) are primarily intended to suppress the appetite, but most of the drugs in this class also act as stimulants (dexedrine, e.g.), and patients have abused drugs “off label” to suppress appetite.
Anti-obesity drugs include all pharmacological treatments intended to reduce or control weight. Because these drugs are intended to alter one of the fundamental processes of the human body, anti-obesity drugs are medically prescribed only in cases of morbid obesity, where weight loss is life-saving. Anti-obesity drugs operate through one or more of the following mechanisms: Suppression of the appetite.
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