Gastrointestinal System, a tube some 25 to 32 feet in length, includes the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus. Organs that assist the function of the system are the liver, pancreas, appendix and gallbladder, which produce and excrete digestive enzymes and acids. Problems associated with a compromised GI System include: gastritis, colitis, leaky gut, chron's disease, irritable bowel (IBS), ulcers, constipation, diverticulosis, diverticulitis, diarrhea and hemorrhoids. Each disorder has its own underlying causative factors, but common to all are usually poor diet/nutrition and inflammation.
Treatment for all GI disorders includes removal or correction of the underlying factors, repair of damaged tissues, and eliminating inflammatory reactions while simultaneously providing healing nutrients and healthy bacteria by the tissues involved (probiotics). Gastrointestinal Dysfunction not only causes diseases within the GI system but also results in disease and dysfunction elsewhere in the body, so it is critical to normalize GI function at its earliest onset. Treatment is different for each disease or dysfunction. Natural Horizons focuses on optimal intake of nutrients, improving digestion, eliminating allergies and sensitivities, repairing damaged stomach and intestinal lining, cleaning out and flushing the liver, gallbladder and intestines, replenishing the good bacteria (probiotics) while killing unwanted microbes, and normalizing the function of the autonomic nervous system overseeing the gut.
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