There are many prescription products available to help improve the look of your skin. Many of the prescription products contain the same ingredients as those available over-the-counter, but are in higher dosage strengths. Examples of such products include products to slow the growth of, remove or lighten unwanted facial hair; products to grow hair in scalp areas lacking hair; and exfoliant products including certain alpha-hydroxy acid products. If you have already tried certain over-the-counter treatments, make sure you let your dermatologist know this. In any case, he or she will work with you to determine those that best suit you.
Have you been wondering lately what causes Acne? There seem to be a lot a factors that contribute to the formation of Acne. Trying to first find out the real culprit causing your Acne is definitely the right approach to handle it. In some cases there will be more than one factor causing Acne. Acne or Acne Vulgaris is an inflammatory disease of the skin. Technically speaking, Acne affects the pilosebaceous glands. Every pore or hair follicle is associated with sebaceous glands. In many cases, as the sufferers continue to live with their Acne, their self image drops and social interaction becomes very tough because the way people look at them changes.
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